Jane Austen & Bath

Went to church this morning with Mum and Dad, then on to Bath where I went to the Jane Austen museum and then Bath Abbey and Sally Lunn’s refreshment house.  Bath is amazing – original Georgian architecture the same as it would have been when Jane Austen was living there.  The museum was really good, there was a guy in costume at the door to greet visitors and at the end there was a shop with all sort of things including various “I heart Mr Darcy” merchandise.

Half of the first pair in the Bath Abbey diptychs

Half of the first pair in the Bath Abbey diptychs - this image really doesn't do it justice, the originals look fantastic

The Abbey was impressive, I liked the ceiling and their exhibition of the Bath Abbey Diptychs (originally titled “One Man’s Journey to Heaven”) – a series of 35 pairs of painted and fabric art on the life of Jesus.  Unfortunately their shop is closed on Sundays or I would have bought some postcards of it.  The first of each pair has calligraphy and beautiful detailed painting, they are so creative and amazing, and all different too.

It was interesting to find Sally Lunn’s, we have the “Boston Bun” in New Zealand with pink icing and a few people call it the Sally Lunn bun but the original bun doesn’t have icing at all.  Alas, they had sold out by the time we got there so didn’t get to try it either 🙁

I still haven’t heard from the airport about my luggage, tomorrow we’re going to the Cotswolds then on the way back we’re going to Swindon so I’ll be doing some clothes shopping at an outlet mall there to make sure I’m ready for Poland on Tuesday.

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3 Responses to Jane Austen & Bath

  1. Sus says:

    Sounds like the trip is getting off to a good start, other than the bags. Can’t believe you’ll be in Poland soon – hard to imagine when I’m sitting here in an office in NZ lol

    It’s a sunny day here today, w00t! Weather has been very odd – on Sat it was mild & then it pissed down in the arvo & there was the most wicked thunder I’ve ever heard off in the distance, & sheet lightning – fun times 😀

    Also, on Saturday a cow in the paddock next to ours gave birth! That was awesome even though we weren’t that close to it. The calf was standing pretty steadily after about half an hour, far superior to humans in that respect lol

    Paul has made a great job of fixing up the chook house, so come Labour weekend we should have 7 new additions to the family 🙂

  2. Paul says:

    Heh, funny about the boston buns – there seems to be many things like that which have become famous despite being quite different from the original!

    I hope your bags have turned up! Did you have all the important stuff in your day pack or was some of it in the main pack? Must be really frustrating though, having to take time out to replace stuff (though the shopping could be fun I guess 😉

    Sus found wha she thinks is the data cable for her camera here the other day, so if you’re wanting to get photos off the camera I guess you’re stuck with using a card reader (assuming it wasn’t in your main pack anyway).

  3. Arcturi says:

    The camera was in my handbag (no way I’d leave that in my main bag!) but the charger was in my bag that’s gone missing 🙁
    It still hasn’t turned up yet, but apparently Mum did offer me her camera (even though I have no recollection of this) so have carried on with hers and left Sus’s safely at Mum and Dad’s place. I’m not sure whether I’ve got a usb cable with Mum’s, will have to check that out.
    I had most of the important stuff in my daypack, would have liked a spare set of clothes but didn’t have room so I was only left with the clothes I was wearing. Travel insurance allows me $500 emergency funds after 12 hours so that went pretty quickly on a cheap pack, warm clothes and toiletries for Poland, I think I’m allowed another $500 about now but am still hoping my pack will turn up in the next couple of days before I get back to London.

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