Goodbye Work, Hello University

This afternoon I had orientation for the 3-week Bridging Chemistry summer school course I’m doing at Otago before I start Semester One.  We got our timetable (9am – 3.3opm with an optional tutorial after that) and course outline and the lecturer told us what to expect etc.

They aren’t covering everything from NCEA level 3 Chem, just what we need for the first year Chem subjects Otago offers, so that’s cool.  Apparently about 2000 students take CHEM191 (which is what I’ll be doing) and out of those 500 won’t have done level 3 at high school, interestingly about 500 students don’t pass so the HOD was really encouraging about us getting it sorted out before we start semester one and crash and burn.  I feel a lot better about it now that I know we’re not cramming a whole year of work into 3 weeks, and it doesn’t matter if we pass or not, we’ll still get his signature that allows us entry to CHEM191.  So of course I’ll work hard and do as much as I can but it takes away the stress knowing that I’ll still get in, and that we’re not learning a whole lot of irrelevant stuff.

We also have to buy our own lab coats, wish I’d known earlier because I could have got one through Partmaster at staff price!  I have my text book ordered from Book Depository but I don’t need that for Bridging Chem, just for CHEM191 next month.

While I’m here I’m staying with Mike and Susan, they are very kindly letting me sleep on their couch and it’s not super-convenient for them so I’m really grateful.  It’s made everything a lot easier for me to not have to find a flat and move my cats down straight away, and cool to have supportive, close friends to come home to each night when everything else is so new.  Unfortunately their friends who they thought would be wanting flatmates are either allergic to cats or not allowed cats in their flat, so I kinda have to start looking again.

So it all starts tomorrow, although there isn’t a lab tomorrow afternoon so we get to finish early, and Mike can show me around the campus.  I’ve been to the supermarket to get my lunch stuff (and vegemite – Susan is a marmite-eater, ewww) and apparently we get chocolate biscuits provided for morning and afternoon tea 🙂

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One Response to Goodbye Work, Hello University

  1. Sus says:

    I am so excited for you! Woohoo, lab coat = awesome 😀 I am picturing you in it wearing your glasses, looking all smart 😀 & actually being all smart too! 😛

    That’s really cool you’re not feeling as stressed, cramming a years work into 3 weeks would have been crazy!

    Bugger about the peoples being allergic to kitties, I have my fingers & toes crossed that you find something suitable soon. In the meantime, get lots of sleep, & rise early refreshed for study! 🙂

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